Verdmont Foundation

Verdmont Foundation

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Escuela Gloriela N. Barria

It was a good day, it started for us at 5:00 A.M. We were all at the office on time and started our journey to the province of Herrera.
We got there at 10:00 AM and the children were waiting for us at the entrance of the school and gave us a warm welcome with music and everything. 
What these children can make us feel is really special, they were all lined up and well behaved and the principal of the school and some teachers helped us getting tables to organize all the school supplies and uniforms.
Everything went pretty well, it was the first time for some of the volunteers and they can't wait to come for the next donation activity.
Check out the pictures!


escuela y ninos


We are almost ready for our donations day. We received both the school supplies and uniforms boxes. This will be a lot of work to start with at 5:00 a.m. next Saturday.


 Hi everyone!
This is the first donation I plan and my first blog for Verdmont Foundation. 
This donation will be held on June 14 at Gloriela Natalia Barria School in the province of Herrera, district of Las Minas. This school has 155 children.
We are always pleased to give the children of these communities an opportunity for a better life and education, even if that means just giving a little bit of our time which I am sure it will mean a lot to them. Also items such as school supplies, bags, uniforms, and shoes are a good start.
As valuable information, I can say that on this district we will find El Montuoso, which is a Protected Forest and usually known as "Pulmon de la Peninsula de Azuero" (Azuero Peninsula's Lung). Here you will also find the source of La Villa river. This amazing town is located 997 MASL, meaning the weather is really nice up there, so make sure you bring a light sweater with you!
The bus will leave the office by 5:00 AM, so that means we need to make a little effort to be there around 4:30 AM to start loading all the boxes. I'm told that the journey takes around 4 hours, so we might get there by 10:00 am.
With the purpose of getting you all a seat in the bus, I encourage you to RSVP and be part of this experience.